About Us

Fars BehFarSazan company holder of first grade degree of mass-construction from urbanism and dwelling. Administration, stants its activity from 1375 and obtains valuable experiences in mass-construction projects by designing or performing multiple The form of handred Thousand squar meters in frastructure in construction, official, industinal and Mehr dwelling projects, and hoper That, in the God kindness shadows, obtains Successful performing of massiue eity by obserring Three general principlas: desired performing quality, optimum Construction Cost and poper time:
Description Company services include:

Service description

1. Holding common sections with employer, determinihng demands and estimating investment volume, economical justification of project and illustrating expert report, Contribution proposals in order to preper plan.
2. Cooperation with employer and attendance in manager urbanism seetions and municipality responsibles, doing negotiation and agreement in terms of obtaining lisences.
3. Doing official affairs and obtaining information from offices and different organizations such as water and sanitation, electricity, gas, Communications, fire fighting, in surance organization and other respected organizations.
4. Cooperation in obtaining permanent lisence according to propare albums of performing plans and determining designer engineer, supervisor, competent performer and obtaincd information.
5. Negotiation with in vestors and demanders in order to incorporate in project.
6. Cooperation with employer in order to obtain bank Facilities from finatial and credible institutions.
7. Evaluating to use new technology and optimality of energy consumption by observing economical consumption.
8. Creating general communication unit and advertising and informing inorder to effective introduction of project.
9. Cooperation in legal contracts making and observing employer interests in contect of made contracts.
10. Holding sections, congress and technical and guidlining committes in order to develop and improve project.

1. Evaluating new material and modern technology and forcing it in plans in order to perform projects optimally and observing economical consumption in performing.
2. Preparing architecureal plans of phase one based on documented in Formation and muricipality approved plan order.
3. Preparing architectural plans by considering constract assumption and installation and representing to Shiraz municipality of architectural commission and its approval.
4. Preparing con struct plans and installation by observing architectural Frameworks and mentioning complete details in performing plans and representing to urbanism assistant and its approval.
5. Completing arothitectural plans album, construct, installation and complete comparibility of plans with eachother by considering graund coordinates and performing problems.
6. Prepering architectural plans of phase two and if necessary completation plans of constructs and installation in order to inprove project performing.
7. Designing internal and external facacte of project and animation of different elemens and also preparing advertising boords and pustures and internet sites of project.
8. Complete observation on performng projects, determining and establishing competent observer engineers of municipality direct observation system and high observation complete cooperation with shiraz municipality wardens and engineering society organization and obtaining confirmation from them in all perfoming procedures of project.

Designing Services
and Council Observing Description


Performing Services
and sapporting
Project description:

1. Equiping workshop, including constraining workshop site, establishing technical office, guarding and preservation, material storage and machines and other related cases.
2. Creating technical archive, prject histories, observor’s report, testing during performing and creating digital archive of technical documents and legal project.
3. Final eualuating of performing architectural plans, constructs and installations and determining probable Variances.
4. Analyzing and estimating material and programming in order to bury material according to project volume and physical development and performing priorisation.
5. Establishing complete team of programming, project contral and cost control and representing CPM performing Project and preparing doyly, weekly and montly reports and announcing to employer and determining retardations and proposing Solutions in order to company sate time wastes.
6. preparing performing pay checks and representing Performing plans of phase 3 in order to Complete justification of retail contractars and possibility of controlling them in all performing levels.
7. Establishing management and prepration of p.oject In order to prepare. Standard and economical materials on time and obeying of scheduls program inorder to prevent delay in project performing procedures.
8. Doing all tests of matrials and performing cases and representing to competent references.
9.Distrbuting firnantial resources according to entered liquidity Volume into workshop and preserving active an project performing deplay.

Performing massive arbanism project by observing three general principals: desired performing guality, optimum construction cost and suitable time:

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